Upcoming events

Business Game Track
to Nov 21

Business Game Track

De Business Game Track 2023-2024 is een gezamenlijk initiatief van de studentenverenigingen LCM SA en BLASE om leden van de BGT doorheen 4 workshops, aangeboden door professionals, voor te bereiden op Business Games zoals Leuven Case Competition (LCC) en Solvay Business Game (SBG). Studenten met gelijk welke achtergrond zijn welkom!

Wat kan je verwachten:
- Je volgt 4 workshops (op 7, 14, 21 en 28 november van 20u-22u)
- Locatie: DV3 1.10 (De Valk) – Tiensestraat 41, 3000 Leuven
- Je leert 4 verschillende case-skills van 4 verschillende professionals/bedrijven in the field
- Je wordt uitgenodigd op twee netwerkrecepties (na de eerste en laatste workshop)
- Je raakt vertrouwd met echte consulting cases
- Je krijgt tips & tricks die je rechtstreeks kan toepassen tijdens een business game
- Je krijgt van ons informatie, uitleg en ondersteuning bij elke Case Competition zodat je tijdig kan inschrijven en weet wat je kan verwachten
- Je krijgt een certificaat als erkenning van je nieuw verworven vaardigheden en kennis
- Je start vol zelfvertrouwen aan de business games in het tweede semester!

De applicaties sluiten op 31/10/2023 om 23u59.

Dit is de link naar het applicatieformulier: https://forms.gle/a5xwUEgJFTnQWUts5

Bij vragen: aarzel zeker niet om ons via sociale media of via email (bgt.blaselcmsa@gmail.com) te contacteren! Hopelijk tot snel!

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Management Meet & Greet

Management Meet & Greet

Kom naar onze jaarlijkse Management Meet & Greet!

Dit BLASE event mag je zeker niet missen. Blijf op de hoogte voor de spreker aankondigingen en zorg ervoor dat je je agenda vrijhoudt voor dit boeiend event. Samen met andere gedreven studenten krijg je de kans om waardevolle verhalen en inzichten te krijgen van succesvolle zakelijke leiders in diverse industrieën.

Daarnaast kun je netwerken met je medestudenten tijdens onze gratis receptie en meer ontdekken over BLASE!

10 oktober 2023
Start: 19u00
Kapel Hogenheuvelcollege - Naamsestraat 69, 3000 Leuven
Gratis receptie

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Blase Bootcamp to London
to Mar 18

Blase Bootcamp to London

Would you like to invest in the career of a lifetime at a world-leading business school? A career in global business? Or London’s buzzing start-up scene? Learn new skills, secure a lifelong network of trusted peers, challenge your thinking, and develop the leadership and general management tools for business success?

Then the BLASE bootcamp at London Business School is the key to business success. This will take place from 16 till 18 March 2023, in London of course!

Based in Europe's thriving business capital, we want to give you the chance to get in touch with this prestigious business school, while also experiencing all that London has to offer. So don't hesitate and register now!

When? Thursday 16 March - Saturday 18 March 2023

Registration deadline = 15/12 at midnight!

Hope to see u all! We can’t wait to go.

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Vlerick In-House Event

Vlerick In-House Event

BLASE is back and we hope that you are ready for 2023! Still have a free slot in your diary and need something to look forward to this semester? Look no further, because BLASE is heading to Vlerick Business School in Leuven on the 1st of March!

At this event, you will learn about Vlerick and get the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals . We will start at 4 p.m. with a short introduction about Vlerick Business School, followed by a workshop about leadership and negotiations. Finally there will be a reception for networking.

Registration can be done by the link below:


When? Wednesday March 1st 2023
Where? Vlerick Business School Leuven
Price? Completely free!

Hope to see you all!

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Online infosession BLASE BOOTCAMP

Online infosession BLASE BOOTCAMP

Would you like to invest in the career of a lifetime at a world-leading business school? A career in global business? Or London’s buzzing start-up scene? Learn new skills, secure a lifelong network of trusted peers, challenge your thinking, and develop the leadership and general management tools for business success?

Then the BLASE bootcamp at London Business School is the key to business success. This will take place in the 2nd semester of the academic year, in London of course!

Based in Europe's thriving business capital, we want to give you the chance to get in touch with this prestigious business school, while also experiencing all that London has to offer. So don't hesitate and register for our online info session on the 28th of November to get to know more what this is all about!

When? Monday 28 november, 19:30!
Where? Online. Link will follow soon!

Hope to see u all! We can’t wait to go

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Workshop IE: How to apply for a business school?

Workshop IE: How to apply for a business school?

Are you interested in business schools and the necessary preparations, how best to get ready to take a GMAT test, or how to make your resume attractive to them? Then participate in this two-part workshop where we will prepare you for each business school along with the help of several professionals. 

Attention: The workshop will take place on 7 November.

Follow this link to the facebook event for more information: https://fb.me/e/4OaFyUzjc

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Meet&Greet Event 2022

Meet&Greet Event 2022

Curious to know how you truly lead a company, build a wrecking career while spending quality time with family or how to lead a life outside of the professional? Come sit down at the BLASE Management ‘Meet & Greet’ and have a casual TeaTime Talk with our speakers, 5 leaders from various companies. There will be a rotating Q&A with 4/5 students per expert, and a free reception afterwards!

Invited speakers:

  • Kobe Heleven: Loconsilio Game Design

  • Tom Janssen: GEA Group

  • Bjorn De Nil: GEODIS

  • Michaël Hoebrechts: ING

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Vlerick In-House event

Vlerick In-House event

Vlerick business school is consistently ranked amongst the top business schools in Europe and the world. 

They offer fully-accredited, world-class education programmes combining a healthy mix of theoretical knowledge and practical insight. 

They have 650 MBA and Master students from over 40 countries per year and campuses in Brussels, Gent and Leuven. 

At this event, we will visit their campus in Leuven. You will get to know more about everything that Vlerick has to offer, in combination with 2 master sessions, a campus tour and a networking drink!

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Online Info Session | Management Bootcamp @IE Business School (Madrid)

Online Info Session | Management Bootcamp @IE Business School (Madrid)

Blase Bootcamp

We are delighted to announce the Management Bootcamp at IE Business School, which will take place in the 2nd semester of the academic year, in Madrid!

With a risk-taking and boundary-breaking entrepreneurial foundation, IE is the business school that looks to the future. From bachelors to doctorates, their programs draw on market trends to provide fresh out-of-the-box education using innovative methodologies.

Do you see yourself basking in the Spanish sun while visiting top-tier companies
and enjoying tapas during the networking sessions? Then don't hesitate and register for our online info session on the 7th of December to get to know more what this is all about!

Registration link no longer available

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AMS In-House Event

AMS In-House Event

Antwerp Management School (AMS); frontrunner in transformation, innovation & state-of-the-art management knowledge straight from business. AMS focusses on "Opening Minds to Impact the World" in such a way improving your self-awareness, global perspective & social consciousness to develop your talent into becoming a true Global Citizen with sustainable impact.

We visited AMS and got to know how this business school could help us in becoming a true Global Citizen.

What was included in the BLASE AMS In-house event:

  • An on-campus tour

  • Masterclass crisis management by Prof dr. Hugo Marynissen

  • A network drink with faculty and alumni.

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Meet&Greet Event

Meet&Greet Event

A tea-time talk event, where participants got the chance to talk to our speakers in small groups via a rotation system.

What did our participants learn from this event?

  • “Deeper insights on the importance of a company culture.”

  • “The importance of how to work with people.”

  • “The importance of networking and the importance of finding a company that matches your culture.“

“The rotation system was a great way to learn from every speaker. It was a perfect way to break the ice and to lower the threshold. This way, everything and everyone was very accessible. It was also truly nice that there was a network part after it so we could ask more questions and gain more insights if necessary.”  Lander - Business, Law and Economics

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