BLASE means to be a management accelerator for students. First by inspiring them and giving insights in effective corporate management through public events and online content on our website and social media. Secondly the bootcamp will teach them how to think and act more lean while at the same time how to become more effective teamleaders. BLASE also has the goal to accelerate more students into engaging a management master program at renowned business schools. A lot of students have it in them to become incredible leaders, they sometimes just need a little BLASE to get it out there. 

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BLASE for business brings your talent acquisition department in touch with top students at the KU Leuven who show clear leadership potential and an intrinsic motivation to become effective managers in the future. Students use the hub on the one hand to get in touch with the right internship or job position or on the other hand simply to expand their network. BLASE brings your corporate ways of managing in the spotlight and leaves competition in the dust.



KU Leuven is the best university of Belgium with tons of unused potential. 73% of students don’t know what business schools have to offer, even though 35% has an explicit interest in joining a management master’s program at a renowned business school. BLASE offers your school explicit exposure to joining.